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Asteroid headed for Earth? Give it the laser treatment...

"A new study claims lasers would be more effective than bombs in vaporising an unwanted asteroid. By Robin McKie"

Category: Space


How solar panels can dim mortgage prospects

"One couple signed up for a PV installation in their roof - then found the 25-year lease made it hard to remortgage their home, despite official guidelines"

Category: Energy sources


Water wars between countries could be just around the corner, Davey warns

"Energy secretary tells conference that growing pressure on water resources could worsen existing war and lead to new ones"

Category: Climate Change


Winds of change blow through China as spending on renewable energy soars

"World's biggest polluter spends £4bn a year on wind and solar power generation in single region as it aims to cut fossil fuel use"

Category: Energy sources


Energy companies pledge to measure impacts of large dam projects

"Critics say new scorecard to evaluate social and environmental impacts of hydropower projects serves dam builders not local communities"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 301 to 305 out of 2977